Distance Learning...
Below are our articles on the subject of Distance Learning. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Communication Technologies Used In Distance Learning
How communication technology has revolutionised distance learning and has both facilitated it and broadened its appeal....

How to Choose Between Different Online Study Providers
How to choose between different online distance learning providers and the types of issues you’ll need to consider as well as questions you should be asking...

How To Stay Motivated When Distance Learning
Ways in which you can stay motivated when undertaking an online distance learning course. How it’s all about planning, goal setting and taking advantage of…...

Improving Your Basic Skills With Distance Learning
A look at what basic skills courses are, the different types and where to find them....

Managing Your Time on a Distance Learning Course
How to manage your time effectively on a distance learning course. Ways in which you can use the flexibility of such a course to your advantage and how it’s important…...

Starting Your Own Business After Distance Learning
A look at how to start a new business after distance learning; the things you will need to know and potential training....

Teaching Yourself Using Books and Cds
Rather than joining an evening class or a college course, it is possible to study a wide range of subjects from home using books, CDs and CD-ROMs, and even online…...

The Myths About Distance Learning and Online Study
Some of the myths surrounding online distance learning programmes and how to counteract those myths....

The Pros And Cons Of Online Study
The pros and cons of online study and why some people fare better at it than others....

Why Study From Home And Will It Suit Me?
Some of the primary reasons why home study programmes are ideal opportunities to learn for certain people and the type of issues you need to consider to determine…...