Adult Dyslexia: Some Common Questions
Discovering that you have Dyslexia in adulthood is not uncommon but may come as a bit of a shock. Realising there is a reason for your difficulties is the first step to working out how to live with it and finding some help. Here are some common questions that you may have about Dyslexia:
What Are the Symptoms?
If you have problem with your reading and writing then you may have dyslexia. Some common difficulties are spelling words exactly as they sound, or missing off letters, even on shorter, simple words. If you have trouble reading and understanding text or are unable to remember something you have just read, then you may also be affected. Dyslexia doesn’t just apply to words though. You may find that you confuse numbers or find it difficult to understand basic instructions or directions.Can I Develop it in Adulthood?
No, dyslexia is not something that you develop as you get older but something that you will have had since you were born. Often symptoms can go unrecognised as a child but it will always have been there. There are a number of theories about the causes of dyslexia but no solid explanation.How is it Diagnosed?
If you think that you may have dyslexia then it is important to get an assessment done. Start by visiting your GP but you may not be eligible for it on the NHS so another place to go is your local Dyslexia organisation. They will ask a number of questions and run tests to find out if your symptoms lead to Dyslexia.Is There Any Treatment?
There are no pills you can take or any medical treatment that will cure your Dyslexia. However, there are tools to help improve your symptoms and cope with them. The first stage is recognising and admitting that you have a problem. Then, whoever diagnoses you should be able to help you with a programme but it is also down to you to find a way to help yourself.Is There Any Special Training Available?
There are a number of courses that can help you improve your literacy, numeracy and organisational skills. By looking at different ways to learn they can help you find a way that suits you.Should I Tell my Boss About my Dyslexia?
Having Dyslexia is nothing to be embarrassed about. It is a legitimate disability and you should not be discriminated against because of it. The worst thing you can do is not tell your boss as then they will be unable to help you. Work with your company to find processes that help you do your job effectively and be honest about your capabilities and difficulties.Having Dyslexia does not need to hold you back at work or in the rest of your life. Recognising the symptoms as an adult, and getting properly diagnosed, can help you take control. You will have had the condition since you were born but now you know what it is, you can work out how to get the help that you need.
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